Mute - Vol.2 #14: Disorder/Colony/Colllapse
Whether seen as the ultimate capitalists, Buddhists or communards, bees elicit fantasies and fears of social productivity and crisis by turns. This issue is not..(read more)
Publisher: Metamute
Author: Mute
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Culture Theory, Magazines, Media Theory.
Mute - Vol.2 #13
In this issue of Mute there is a generalised refusal to have our selves, in the widest sense of the word, put to work. As we start to see the real repercussions..(read more)
Publisher: Metamute / ISBN 978-1-906496-41-8
Author: Mute
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Culture Theory, Magazines, Sociology.
Mute - Vol.2 #12: The Creative City In Ruins
Post-Fordist State planners, developers, and their entrepreneurial service arm have debased the meaning of ‘creativity’ to a shallow pretext for the further..(read more)
Publisher: Metamute / ISBN 978-1-906496-34-0
Author: Mute
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Architecture, Culture Theory, Magazines, Sociology.
Mute - Vol.2 #11: Exhuming The Human
In this issue of Mute we revisit the question of ‘the human’ in the age of biopolitics. What do philosophers, activists and ‘pro-revolutionaries’ have t..(read more)
Publisher: Metamute / ISBN 978-1-906496-26-5
Author: Mute
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Culture Theory, Magazines, Politics.
Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag - sonArc::project
The sonArc: project domesticated flash by Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag is a cycle in varying formats. It includes multimedia works, installations and salons in which ..(read more)
Publisher: Kulturverlag Kadmos / ISBN 978-3-931659-97-4
Author: Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag
Medium: Book + DVD
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Media Theory, Science, Sonic Experiments, Sonology.
Guy Debord - Society Of The Spectacle
Seminal work by the French Marxist writer, filmmaker and the founding father of the Situationist International. This influential magnum opus was first translate..(read more)
Publisher: Black & Red / ISBN: 9780934868075
Author: Guy Debord
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, France, Media Theory, Philosophy.
Bas Mantel - Epilogue 1: Musique Graphique
Bas Mantel’s graphic design is (in our opinion) innovative and original. He also made the tasteful packaging for the Reel23 DVDs. Epilogue is an A3 sized ..(read more)
Publisher: Revlaboratories / 1
Author: Bas Mantel
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tag: Graphic Design.
Revue & Corrigee - # 69 (september 2006)
In french. A portrait of Martin Tétreault, reflections on improvisation, conversation with accordionist Joe Privat, IMPROVISER / COMPOSER by Jean-luc Guionnet,..(read more)
Publisher: Nota Bene / # 69
Author: Revue & Corrigee
Medium: Magazine + CD
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Improvisation, Magazines, Sound Art.
Revue & Corrigee - # 68 (june 2006)
In French. Very good magazine on sound art and electronic and improvised
music, made in Grenoble. This issue covers Anthony Pateras & Robin
Fox, Min Tanaka,..(read more)
Publisher: Nota Bene / R&C 68
Author: Revue & Corrigee
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Improvisation, Magazines, Sound Art.