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Gianni Castagnoli - La Nott’e’l Giorno
Gianni Castagnoli (1946-2007) was an Italian visual artist and filmmaker who, from 1972 made several experimental films on Super8, of which La Nott’e̵..(read more)
Label: Re:voir
Artist: Gianni Castagnoli
Medium: DVD
Category: Films.
Tags: '70s, Avant-Garde, Italy, Super 8.

Hilary Harris - Organism
Oscar-winning filmmaker Hilary Harris pioneered time-lapse filmmaking techniques to show how cities and organisms are alike. Shot over 15 years, 1959 – 19..(read more)
Label: Re:voir
Artist: Hilary Harris
Medium: DVD
Category: Films.
Tags: '50s, '60s, '70s, 16 mm, Avant-Garde, USA.

Various Authors - Derek Jarman
New essays by international art critics devoted to the artist’s life and work offer accessible overview of legendary artist and filmmaker Derek Jarman.
Label: JRP Ringier
Artist: Various Authors
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Artist Film, Experimental Films, monograph, Portrait, UK.

Positionen - Texte zur aktuellen Musik - Nr. 142: Bühnen bahnen
Bühnen bahnen (making way for the stages). Wenn’s eng wird, werden neue Bühnen vielleicht nicht mehr gebaut, aber neu gedacht. Wo das Geld fehlt, hilft die ..(read more)
Label: Positionen
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Avant-Garde, Composers, Magazines, Music for Theatre, Music Magazines.

Various Artists - Nieuwe Nederlandse Naïviteit
Wonderful compilation full of wayward tunes by the outsiders, dissidents and non-conformists of today in The Netherlands. On Thor Kissing’s record label P..(read more)
Label: Petrol Candy
Artist: Various Artists
Medium: LP
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: 1-of-a-Kinds, Eccentrics, New Wave and Post-Punk, Outsider Art, Pop, Vinyl.

Doug Skinner - Music from Elsewhere
Haunting tunes from mythical beings, hidden worlds.. Tunes hummed, strummed, and sung by spirits and fairies., occults.. A cacophonous cabinet of curiosities!
Label: Strange Attractor Press
Artist: Doug Skinner
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Mysticism, Mythology, Occultism, Sound Studies, Spiritualism.

Lukas Simonis & Pierre Bastien - Zeldzame Mensen
Rare collaboration between Lukas Simonis and Pierre Bastien. An allusion to the unexpected re-union of the two musicians: they found out about this new thing th..(read more)
Label: In Poly Sons
Artist: Lukas Simonis & Pierre Bastien
Medium: LP
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Guitar, Improvisation, Mechanical Music, Vinyl.

ZULI - Lambda
Berlin-based Egyptian producer Ahmed Elghazoly aka ZULI, since his early releases gained global acclaim for his futuristic, kinetic diversions. Granulated textu..(read more)
Label: Subtext
Artist: ZULI
Medium: LP
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Arabian, Breakbeat Experiments, Electronic, Futurism, Synth, Trip Hop, Vinyl.

Neural - #75: Artificial Corporeality
Exploring the ever-evolving state of the human body as it navigates the liminal space between digital and physical dimensions. Co-editor: Zane Cerpina. FM-TOTEM..(read more)
Label: Neural
Artist: Neural
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Artificial Intelligence, Digital Culture, Magazines, Media Art, Media Theory.

Positionen - Texte zur aktuellen Musik - Nr. 141: Der Duft ist Da!
Der Duft ist da! Thema-ausgabe über Gerüchen (Smells). Bruno Mesz: osmosonische Kunst / Meo Fusciuni / Sven Schlijper-Karssenberg zu besuch bei iii, Den Haag
Label: Positionen
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Avant-Garde, Composers, Magazines, Music Magazines, Sensority, Sound Art.

The Ex - Great! / The Evidence
45 RPM to celebrate their 45th Anniversary. Urgent, willful, adventurous, open hearted and joyfully obstinate. The Ex in their prime is The Ex now, and it alway..(read more)
Label: Ex Records
Artist: The Ex
Medium: 7"
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: 7", Avant-Garde, Avant-Rock, Punk, Vinyl.
Our favorites

Nicole Brenez / Jonathan Larcher / Alo Paistik / Skaya Siku (Editors) - Film X: Autochthonous Struggles Today
Brings together filmmakers, activists, curators, and scholars involved in film practices emerging from situations of struggle that the Indigenous peoples are in..(read more)
Publisher: Sternberg Press / ISBN: 9783956796500
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Decolonisation, Film, Geo-Politics, Protest.

Det Digit - Dwaze Verrukking | Foolish Delight
One of the first female digital and internet artists in the Netherlands! Det Digit (1935-2024) combined technology and art to explore themes of chaos, structure..(read more)
Publisher: Det Digit Art House / ISBN: 9789090386171
Author: Det Digit
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Digital Culture, Net Art, Network Culture, Pioneers.

Various Autors - Zvuky Kódy Obrazy / Sounds Codes Images
Beautiful publication and welcome addition to what is known about the avant-garde in Czech Republic, Slovakia, focus on interaction of visual art and sound art...(read more)
Publisher: Artmap / ISBN: 9788090787346
Author: Various Autors
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Avant-Garde, Czech Republic, Eastern Europe, Slovakia, Sound Art.

Lars van der Miesen - P.L.A.N.E.T.A.R.T. – The History of Kees de Groot 1978-2004
Activist and media artist, rebel and organizer, punk and noisemaker, all of this is Kees de Groot (1956). Part of an artistic revolution that unfolded both with..(read more)
Publisher: Planetart / ISBN: 9789090388144
Author: Lars van der Miesen
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: 1-of-a-Kinds, Activism, History, Media Art, Punk, Underground.

Leonardo Barbadoro - Musica Automata (LP version)
The ensemble of musical robots at the Logos foundation in Ghent inspired Leonardo Barbadoro from Firenze, Italy, to compose for it.
Label: Helical / Logos / 2022
Artist: Leonardo Barbadoro
Medium: LP
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Composers, Contemporary, Mechanical Music, Robots, Sound Art, Vinyl.

Annie Abrahams - Being Human . een bloemlezing . an anthology
Being Human was a website that ran from 1997 to 2007, and can still be visited. Now it is a book! Abrahams’ art is about language, in all its aspects.
Publisher: Own / ISBN: 9789090376318
Author: Annie Abrahams
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Language, Media Art, Net Art, Poetry.

soccer Committee - ♥/Lamb
Quiet and sparse arrangements , plenty of time for the tone to resonate. Mariska Baars carefully selects each note, and lets the sound evolve with care.
Label: Morc Records / morc 88
Artist: soccer Committee
Medium: LP
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Guitar, Minimal, Songwriters, Vinyl.

Son Ash - Easy Listening for the Hearing Impaired
Debut album by Andreas Pallisgaard. Calm explorative timbral studio experiments of analogue synths, reminding me a bit of the classical-music-inspired works of ..(read more)
Label: År & Dag / AD01
Artist: Son Ash
Medium: LP
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Analog Synth, Denmark, Minimal Music, Vinyl.

Blanche Blanche Blanche - Seashells
Already the 10th album by Zach Phillips and Sarah Smith. Quirky pop songs with lyrics full of sharp social commentary as well as a slightly juvenile joyfulness...(read more)
Label: Reading Group / RG19
Artist: Blanche Blanche Blanche
Medium: LP
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Avant-Garde Pop, Songwriters, USA, Vinyl.

Mads Emil Nielsen - PM016 (2020 Remaster)
Remaster & vinyl reissue of a release from 2014 by Danish musician Mads Emil Nielsen (on C30 tape). The cover artwork by visual artist Dane Patterson is the..(read more)
Label: Arbitrary / arbitrary03RE
Artist: Mads Emil Nielsen
Medium: LP
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Analog Synth, Denmark, Electronic, Soundscapes, Vinyl.

Kenneth Goldsmith - Duchamp is my Lawyer – The Polemics, Pragmatics and Poetics of UbuWeb
What Kenneth Goldsmith started in 1996 as a site to share relatively obscure literary works grew into an essential archive of 20th and 21st century avant-garde...(read more)
Publisher: Columbia University Press / ISBN: 9780231186957
Author: Kenneth Goldsmith
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Archives, Artist Film, Avant-Garde, Poetry.