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Varia - Networks of One’s Own

Subtitle: Three Takes on Taking Care.

A periodical publication taking various shapes, reflecting upon and experimenting with collaborative networked practices in a time when commercial interests dominiate digital working conditions. Initiated by related but independent collectives: Constant in Brussels, Relearn, Varia in Rotterdam and XPUB of Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam.

Like the old motto of the PERL community “There is more than one way to do it”, it’s all about the heterogeneity of tools and ultimately foregrounding that there are many ways of being social with software. Situated writing, technical learning and (digital) publishing are the tools here.

Including all you need to know to set up Bibliotecha, an alternative model of distribution of digital texts that allows specific communities to form and share their own collections. Also: The homebrewserver.club explains step by step how to run websites on your own webserver, hosting from home rather than from data centers (aka “the cloud”). Finally, Relearn, a collective learning experiment that has as many teachers as it has participants.

This nice zine-format print issue of NOOO contains loads of links to on-line information completing the knowledge being shared here. It also explains all about the tools used for making it, and in the process extended (in the true Open Source tradition!), like Etherdump, Distribusi and PDF-glue.

87 pages, format 29.7 x 10.5 cm, cover with flap RISO-printed in fluorescent pink on varia’s own old-school RISO machine. Lovely design as well as lucid writing!

Publisher: Own
Author: Varia
Medium: Book


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