Francis Picabia - Schneckenbisse der Unvernunft
German language edition (no. 45) from the kleine
Bücherei für Hand und Kopf. Francis Picabia was painter and poet. In both disciplines he confronted pretensio..(read more)
Publisher: Edition Nautilus / 3894012838
Author: Francis Picabia
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Art Theory, Dada.

Jula Dech - Sieben Blicke auf Hannah Höch
German language edition (no. 52) from the kleine
Bücherei für Hand und Kopf. With the mind of an art historian and the heart of an artist, Jula Dech analyses ..(read more)
Publisher: Edition Nautilus / 3894014016
Author: Jula Dech
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Art Theory, Dada.

Raoul Hausmann - Geist im Handumdrehen – Dadasophische Poesie
German language edition (no. 24) from the kleine Bücherei für Hand und Kopf. Collection of post-war texts and images by the artist, photographer, author, theo..(read more)
Publisher: Edition Nautilus / ISBN 978-3-89401-163-5
Author: Raoul Hausmann
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Art Theory, Dada, Poetry.

Wim Verhoeven - Beschouwingen over Nut
On account of the 2004 Protopark II exhibition, held in Amsterdam, some observations on the value of/and the benefit of/and the profit of/and the meaning of/and..(read more)
Publisher: Own
Author: Wim Verhoeven
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Art Theory, Philosophy.

Gilbert van Drunen - Being European, Being Artist
Labour of love realized in under two weeks’ time, featuring a compilation of written language (in both English and Dutch), artwork and doodles by the Rott..(read more)
Publisher: Own / 9789080623125
Author: Gilbert van Drunen
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Art, Art Theory.

Nick J. Swarth - Kaka, Kuus & Knikker
Het Varken in de kunst & cultuur van het avondland – The Pig in western art and culture.In dutch only.
Publisher: TeleXpress / ISBN 90-76937-05-2
Author: Nick J. Swarth
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Art Theory, Culture Theory.

George Brecht - Chance-imagery
Pocket text edition (125 pp) of the seminal essay from 1966, which describes the use of chance techniques in painting, accompanied by a critical study (in Frenc..(read more)
Publisher: Les presses du réel / 2840660520
Author: George Brecht
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Art Theory, Fluxus.

Hannah Higgins - Fluxus Experience
The story of the Fluxus movement and its experiential content (the principles of the “non-hierarchical density of experience”), as understood by the..(read more)
Publisher: University of California Press / 9780520228672
Author: Hannah Higgins
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Art Theory, Fluxus.

Various Authors - Kboek – Round Production
An artists’ book formed around the idea of conglomeration, or an entity consisting of several organs/functions, clotted together. The contributors were as..(read more)
Publisher: SpOp / SpOp 2009
Author: Various Authors
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Art, Art Theory, Economy.