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Larry Austin & Douglas Kahn (Ed.) - Source. Music of the Avant-garde, 1966-1970

This journal “Source: Music of the Avant-garde” was and remains a seminal source for materials on the heyday of experimental music and arts. Conceived in 1966 and published to 1973, it included some of the most important composers and artists of the time: John Cage, Harry Partch, David Tudor, Morton Feldman, Robert Ashley, Pauline Oliveros, Dick Higgins, Nam June Paik, Steve Reich, and many others. A pathbreaking publication, “Source” documented crucial changes in performance practice and live electronics, computer music, notation and event scores, theater and installations, intermedia and technology, politics and the social roles of composers and performers, and innovations in the sound of music.

Published in 2011, 396 pages, paperback, Illustrations: 68 b/w photographs, 128 line illustrations.

Publisher: University of California Press / ISBN: 9780520267459
Medium: Book


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