Tim Rutherford-Johnson - Music After The Fall
Music after the Fall is the first book to survey contemporary Western art music within the transformed political, cultural, and technological environment of the..(read more)
Publisher: University of California Press
Author: Tim Rutherford-Johnson
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Composers, History, Music Theory, Sound Art.

David Toop - Into the Maelstrom: Music, Improvisation and the Dream of Freedom
An interdisciplinary and sweeping overview,, Toop introduces the philosophy and practice of free improvisation (both musical and otherwise) within the historica..(read more)
Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic / 9781628927696
Author: David Toop
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: '60s, '70s, History, Improvisation, Music Theory.

Various Authors - Body Luggage
A collection of essays that imagines the migration of cultural signs across borders, of body language as the inalienable signs we carry with us, even if they ar..(read more)
Publisher: Archive Books / Steirischer Herbst / ISBN: 978-3-943620-55-9
Author: Various Authors
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Dance, History, Migration, Performance Art, Politics, Theatre.

Frans de Waard - This Is supposed To Be A Record Label
New edition at a lower price. Eleven years of Staalplaat history (1992-2003) from the perspective of Mr. Staalplaat himself. In his typical, dry style, he remin..(read more)
Publisher: Timeless Editions
Author: Frans de Waard
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Amsterdam, Biography, History, Noise.

Thomas Patteson - Instruments For New Music
Centered in Germany during the 1920s/1930s, the movement to create new instruments was full of experiments, from the exploration of microtonal tunings and exoti..(read more)
Publisher: University of California Press / ISBN: 9780520288027
Author: Thomas Patteson
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: History, Instrument Builders, Mechanical Music, Music Theory, Sonology.

Jacqueline Oskamp - Onder Stroom
In Dutch. Oskamp sketches the history of electronic music in The Netherlands. A Utopian belief in technology and a rather anarchistic approach to this new means..(read more)
Publisher: Ambo / ISBN: 9789026323249
Author: Jacqueline Oskamp
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Electronic Music, History.

Erkki Huhtamo and Jussi Parikka - Media Archaeology – Approaches, Applications, and Implications
This book introduces an archaeological approach to the study of media – one that sifts through the evidence to learn how media were written about, used, d..(read more)
Publisher: University of California Press / ISBN: 9780520262744
Author: Erkki Huhtamo and Jussi Parikka
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: History, Media Theory, Technology.

Garnet Hertz - A Collection of Many Problems
Garnet Hertz (Canada Research Chair in Design and Media Arts and Associate Professor in the Faculty of Design and Dynamic Media at Emily Carr University) compil..(read more)
Publisher: Telharmonium Press / 200909232324
Author: Garnet Hertz
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: History, Media Theory.

Ana Matronic - Robot Universe
Collects the hundred most epic androids and automatons from myth, through popular culture, to modern-day machines. Robot aficionado Ana Matronic–vocalist ..(read more)
Publisher: STERLING Publishing Company Incorporated / ISBN: 9781454918219
Author: Ana Matronic
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: History, Photography, Robots.