Paola Egliori - Harry Smith: American Magus
A privileged look into the life and artistic practice of the experimental filmmaker, music anthologist, and enigmatic polymath Harry Smith.
Publisher: Semiotext(e) / ISBN: 9781635901641
Author: Paola Egliori
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Eccentrics, Outsider Art, USA.

Sound American - Issue 28: The Mapping Issue
Guest curated by Kyla-Rose Smith, this issue elevates the urgent voices and vital ideas of far-flung musicians and composers, often little known outside of thei..(read more)
Publisher: Sound American / 28: Mapping Issue
Author: Sound American
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Avant-Garde, Mapping, Music Magazine, USA.

Sound American - Issue 27: The Life Issue
Reflection upon the smallness—and largeness—of living amidst a tumultuous, globally-shared moment. Mazen Kerbaj, Pat Thomas, Cory Smythe, Katie Porter, Lea ..(read more)
Publisher: Sound American / 27: Life
Author: Sound American
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Avant-Garde, Music Magazine, USA.

Nico B and Edward Colver - Christian Death: Only Theatre of Pain (hardcover book)
Nico B, a friend of Rozz Williams, edited this oversized hardcover book. Edward Colver’s photos capture rare moments, Colver and band members tell the story o..(read more)
Publisher: Cult Epics / ISBN: 9780999862766
Author: Nico B and Edward Colver
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Biography, Cult Epics, Death Rock, Gothic Rock, Photography, USA.