Shitcluster - Physical Item 1
Nice to see Shitcluster still kicking, those Acid Bunker Boys from The Hague. Two trippy, quirky techno tracks of half an hour each on a flaming red tape, plus ..(read more)
Label: IKI GAGA / IKI 05
Artist: Shitcluster
Medium: Music Cassette
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Acid, Tapes, Techno, The Hague.

ORDUC - Fast Forward
In 1981 O.R.D.U.C. contributed a track to the Australian cassette-magazine Fast Forward. This evolved into a complete cassette including info tracks with spoken..(read more)
Label: MOTOK / NBW 003 / MTK 003
Artist: ORDUC
Medium: Music Cassette
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: '80s, Analog Synth, Minimal, Tapes.

Reinhold Bogaard - The Unsung Dream
Very thoughtful project in tiny edition of 42, Bogaard found an open reel tape with popular classical music and played them simultaneously on two open reel tape..(read more)
Label: Uit Zicht
Artist: Reinhold Bogaard
Medium: Double Music Cassette
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Feedback, Tape Loops, Tape Manipulation, Tapes.

KOS010 | Miss Nixon - Airy Shoe Dreun
Newly released cassette on the KOSNIX label, run by KOS010 & Miss Nixon from Rotterdam/Barcelona. Analogue electronic noodlings, vocoders, beats.
Label: KOSNIX / KSNX rec01
Artist: KOS010 | Miss Nixon
Medium: Music Cassette
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Analog Synth, Electronic, Rotterdam, Tapes.

Ash Kilmartin and Bergur Thomas Anderson - Stonecarver’s Dilemma (A Shortcut)
A live audio story set in Rottbridge, a small town that has become afflicted by the Dancing Plague. Typically charming surrealist fairytale vibe that can also b..(read more)
Label: Antenne / ANT 002
Medium: Music Cassette
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Radio Art, Story-telling, Tapes.

Mina Kim | Natty Gray - Unstable Play / Tulsa Sound
Collaboration between Unheard Records and Cult Love Sound Tapes (Tulsa, OK), bringing together Mina Kim (Seoul) and Natty Gray (Tulsa) in a split tape..
Label: Unheard Records / Cult Love Sound / UHTAPE
Artist: Mina Kim | Natty Gray
Medium: Music Cassette
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Electronic, Field Recordings, Korea, Tapes, USA.

R.A.S. - Sandpapier und Meeresrauschen
A funny package including a C-60 cassette, a CD-R, a sunny postcard, a seashell, a plastic flower and booklet with musings by Simon Steiner
Label: De Fabriek / November 1, 2021
Artist: R.A.S.
Medium: Music Cassette+CD+Print
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Experimental, Industrial Music, Spoken Word, Tapes.

The Hamburger Community - Agency & Machine
Result of a joint effort by the Hamburger Community of Art and the Hamburger Community of Live, the residency projects of Roodkapje.
Publisher: Roodkapje
Author: The Hamburger Community
Medium: Magazine + Tape
Categories: Books & Magazines, Records & Tapes.
Tags: Artificial Intelligence, Graphic Design, Rotterdam, Tapes, Zines.

Sajjra - Uchuraccay
Two amazing pieces on a tape released by the label Blindblindblind. Uchuraccay was a village in Peru that was crushed by internal armed conflict 1980-1992.
Label: Blindblindblind / b0b0b5
Artist: Sajjra
Medium: Music Cassette
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Peru, Sonic Experiments, Soundscapes, Tapes.