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Items ( 1 ) €20.00
Author, artist, founder of legendary cult band Die Tödliche Doris, fervent lover of Iceland and of .. elves. Their singing is inaudible to the human ear; it go..(read more)
Featuring Pekler’s installation The Prepaid Piano, as recorded February 2013 during the Unmenschliche Musik/Inhuman Music exhibition at Haus Der Kulturen ..(read more)
This is the second Staalplaat Soundsystem LP made for Yokomono. One side of this record the Staalplaat Soundsystem has made 55 loops of digital silence. The det..(read more)
Liquidation World examines a distinctive form of subjectivity animating the avant-garde: that of the dissolute figure that makes an art of its own vacancy, an o..(read more)