Mads Emil Nielsen - Framework
Project by Copenhagen-based musician Mads Emil Nielsen. It consists of 14 hand-drawn graphic scores with simple instructions and a recording for each score. The short audio pieces were based on generative synthesizer patches and recordings / loops of cymbals and percussion. Furthermore, he received interpretations from artists such as Andrea Neumann (DE).
2nd edition of 50 copies, August 2016.
The scores and recordings were installed at ICMC 2016, Utrecht (NL). Scores #7 and 8 were part of the Notations 21 Project (US), travelling exhibition + exhibition at Art League of Long Island, New York, 2013. Furthermore, an audio/video loop with the scores + recordings was installed at the PAUME: L’Anormalité // La Deviance exhibition + release at 4bid Gallery in Amsterdam, December 2014.
Nielsen’s instructions read as follows: “These 14 graphic scores may be played by any configuration of instruments and players – the recordings may be of any duration. Some of the scores are linear and may be read from left to right; others are meant as a conceptual inspiration for composition and performance. The balance between these two approaches is to be decided by the interpreter. A circle should be seen as a space, room or atmosphere. A line illustrates direction / time, and possibly a sustained tone. Smaller dots or points may be read as dust, drops, texture or granulation. 
An incomplete circle or square marked with an arrow signifies a loop / repetition, which consists of certain elements, if notated.”