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Ferdinand Khittl - Die Parallelstraße / La Route Parallèle

An unjustly forgotten masterpiece from 1962 from the New German Cinema, produced by GBF, a production company for innovative industrial and promotional films. It received awards in international film festivals. French critic Robert Benayoun called it “a philosophical thriller, a western of meditation which compensates for a whole year of inevitable manifestations of stupidity.”

This is an experimental film about the notions of subjectivity and objectivity in film – a kind of meta-film. It opens with a group of young men trying to analyse an enormous number of fragmentary film documents (shot by Khittl and his cameraman Ronald Martini during two extensive travels around the world). The documents are screened one after another and intermitted by comments of the team members. The Kafkaesque situation is enhanced by the setting and the humor in the proceedings.

Also featuring several rare shorts by Ferdinand Khittl (1924-1976) which show his talent for innovative film experiments..

Label: Filmmuseum München / EF47
Medium: DVD
Category: .


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