Hannes Liechti - This Track Contains Politics: The Culture of Sampling in Experimental Electronica
Discusses the culture and politics of musical sampling from a new perspective. Liechti’s in-depth analysis of sampling strategies by artists such as COOL FOR ..(read more)
Publisher: Norient / ISBN: 9783952544426
Author: Hannes Liechti
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Electronic Music, Politics, Pop Culture, Sampling.

Adbusters - # 162: The Wobbly Issue
Notable for its layout and design — editor Kalle Lasn has always ensured his non-profit publication expresses itself well visually, as well as verbally.
Publisher: Adbusters / 162 - wobbly issue
Author: Adbusters
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Magazines, Politics.

Yavor Tarinski - Concepts for a Democratic and Ecological Society
Examines the fundamental conflict between democracy and capitalism, how to renew the commons, and create a genuine solidarity economy to overturn the ravages of..(read more)
Publisher: Zero Books / ISBN: 9781789049220
Author: Yavor Tarinski
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Criticism, Politics, Utopia.

Wendy Hui Kyong Chun - Discriminating Data -Correlation, Neighborhoods, and the New Politicas of Recognition
How big data and machine learning encode discrimination and create agitated clusters of rage. Reveals how polarization is a goal within big data and machine lea..(read more)
Publisher: MIT Press / ISBN: 9780262046220
Author: Wendy Hui Kyong Chun
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Politics, Privacy.

Adbusters - # 158: A New Structure of Feeling
Again a powerful issue full of provocative images, mottos, manifestos. To survive this century of crisis, we have to come up with a new structure of feeling.
Publisher: Adbusters / 158 - A New Structure of Feeling
Author: Adbusters
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Criticism, Economy, Graphic Art, Magazines, Politics.

Adbusters - # 157: Ultimatum to World Leaders
Trust Adbusters when it comes down to cleaning up the toxic areas of our mental environment, advocating the reverse of the upward flow of wealth, and exposing e..(read more)
Publisher: Adbusters / 157 - Ultimatum to world leaders
Author: Adbusters
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Criticism, Graphic Art, Magazines, Politics.

Nick Aikens, Teresa Grandes, Nav Haq, Beatriz Herráez, Nataša Petrešin-Bachelez (Eds,) - The Long 1980s
This nicely designed hardcover book assesses the 1980s as a turning point in political action: identity politics, political shifts, start of neoliberalism, R..(read more)
Publisher: Valiz / ISBN: 9789492095497
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: '80s, Activism, Culture Theory, History, Politics.

Soundings - Issue 77 (Spring 2021): History / Memory
Soundings offers committed, informed and thoughtful writing on political and cultural debates. Founded 20 years ago by Stuart Hall, Doreen Massey and Michael Ru..(read more)
Publisher: Lawrence & Wishart / ISBN: 9781913546151
Author: Soundings
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Criticism, Magazines, Politics.

Soundings - Issue 76 (Winter 2020-21): Goodbye 2020
‘…nourishes public intellectual space – without it our public culture would be diminished.’ (Tariq Modood)
Publisher: Lawrence & Wishart / ISBN: 9781912064274
Author: Soundings
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Criticism, Magazines, Politics, UK.