Lodown Magazine - DTP (issue 001)
‘This magazine is an experiment. A magazine that is not entirely layouted on the computer or even better: a magazine that isn‘t a screen to print produc..(read more)
Publisher: Lodown / ISBN 4194162709003
Author: Lodown Magazine
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Art, Graphic Design, Magazines, Photography.
BLIK - 3.0
BLIK is the student journal for audiovisual culture of the Departement Media and Culture Studies of Utrecht University.New edition from december 2009 with a new..(read more)
Publisher: Stichting BLIK / ISSN 1877-5802
Author: BLIK
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Culture Theory, Magazines, Media Theory.
Neural - #34
Magazine for Hacktivism / E-Music / New Media Art. >Fake'ology. It's true! Interviews with Yes Men, Janez Jansa, Lieutenant Murnau, Les Liens Invis..(read more)
Publisher: Neural / 34
Author: Neural
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Art, Magazines, Media Theory, Technology.
Musicworks - #98 (Summer 2007)
Micheline Roi: Wandering through sound / Trevor Wishart: Transforming the Voice / HPSCHD – Cage and Hiller's Spectacle / Mike Kane: Chance and ..(read more)
Label: Musicworks / 98
Artist: Musicworks
Medium: Magazine + CD
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Magazines, Sonic Experiments, Sound Art.
Wilhelm Hein & Annette Frick - Jenseits der Trampelpfade Heft 9
9th issue of Wilhelm Heins trade paper for photography, film and other arts. This is the Kurt Kren special.
Label: Own
Artist: Wilhelm Hein & Annette Frick
Medium: Magazine + DVD
Category: Films.
Tags: Cinema, Experimental, Magazines.
Wilhelm Hein & Annette Frick - Jenseits der Trampelpfade Heft 8
8th issue of Wilhelm Heins trade paper for photography, film and other arts.
Publisher: Own
Author: Wilhelm Hein & Annette Frick
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Cinema, Experimental, Magazines.
Musicworks - #84 (Fall 2002)
Long-running high quality sound art & music periodical from Canada. This one is from 2002 but the topics are timeless aren't they.
Janet Cardi..(read more)
Label: Musicworks / 84
Artist: Musicworks
Medium: Magazine + CD
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Avant-Garde, Magazines, Sound Art.
Galactic Zoo Dossier - #8 – Summer 2009
‘The world’s greatest psychedelic underground hand drawn pro-zine’. Two years in the making, this just might be the most action-packed issue o..(read more)
Label: Drag City / #8
Artist: Galactic Zoo Dossier
Medium: Book + CD
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Free-folk, Magazines, Prog-Rock, Psychedelic.
First Person - # 3 – Realness
Fall 2009. Despite the recession, there’s always room for a few more independent voices. Firstperson is a platform for (contemporary) eccentrics at the to..(read more)
Publisher: First Person / 3
Author: First Person
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Art, Magazines.