Impakt - Turning Tables: The Fair Tech Card Game
THIS SET WILL BE BACK IN STOCK SOON! (due to great demand, sorry) It’s Time to Play a New Game. Turn Big Tech into Fair Tech. Underpaid Chinese factory worker..(read more)
Label: Impakt
Artist: Impakt
Medium: Card Game
Category: Other.
Tags: Activism, Cards, Game, Gifts.

New Emergences - Tote Bag (Four Different Colours)
SPECIAL OFFER: no shipping costs, wherever you are. Place your order and I will refund your shipping costs.
Very proud to be the main distributor for New Emerge..(read more)
Label: Own
Artist: New Emergences
Medium: 100% Cotton Bag
Category: Other.
Tags: Gifts, New Emergences.

Nienke Galjaard - Ghar ( غَار )
Aleppo soap, also known as savon d’Alep or ghar soap, in this case turns into a medium as Galjaard chose to press into it texts by people involved, while ..(read more)
Label: Hybrid Publishing, WdKA / ISBN: 9789492479105
Artist: Nienke Galjaard
Medium: Soap
Category: Other.
Tags: Gifts, Hybrid Publishing, WdKA.

Buddha Machine - Philip Glass – Blue Version
Philip Glass teamed up with the makers of the Buddha Machine in celebration of his 80th birthday on January 31, 2017. Featuring seven loops created by Glass fea..(read more)
Label: FM3
Artist: Buddha Machine
Medium: Gadget
Category: Instruments & Gadgets.
Tags: Gadgets, Gifts, Minimal.

Buddha Machine - Philip Glass – Red Version
Philip Glass teamed up with the makers of the Buddha Machine in celebration of his 80th birthday on January 31, 2017. Featuring seven loops created by Glass fea..(read more)
Label: FM3 / Philip Glass
Artist: Buddha Machine
Medium: Gadget
Category: Instruments & Gadgets.
Tags: Gadgets, Gifts, Minimal.

Tristan Perich - 1-Bit Symphony
OUT OF STOCK, sorry!
1 bit as the most elementary unit for digital
representation (on or off) triggered the imagination of composer and sound artist Perich. He ..(read more)
Label: Cantaloupe
Artist: Tristan Perich
Medium: Gadget
Category: Instruments & Gadgets.
Tags: Electronic, Electronic Music, Gadgets, Gifts, Instrument Builders.

Throbbing Gristle & Christiaan Virant - Gristleism
The meme is the message! A Throbbing Gristle collectable or the future of music? This palm-sized device offers instant gratification for noise junkies, a verita..(read more)
Label: Industrial Records Ltd / IR2009005C
Medium: Gadget
Category: Instruments & Gadgets.
Tags: Gadgets, Gifts, Industrial Music.

Buddha Machine - Version V White
Buddha Machine's last generation, featuring pitch and volume controls,
as well as a line out. 9 new loops taken from or inspired by the songs
on the 2014 F..(read more)
Label: FM3 / 5
Artist: Buddha Machine
Medium: Gadget
Category: Instruments & Gadgets.
Tags: Electronic Music, Gadgets, Gifts.

Buddha Machine - Version V Black
Buddha Machine's last generation, featuring pitch and volume controls, as well as a line out. 9 new loops taken from or inspired by the songs on the 2014 F..(read more)
Label: FM3 / 5
Artist: Buddha Machine
Medium: Gadget
Category: Instruments & Gadgets.
Tags: Electronic Music, Gadgets, Gifts.