Hugo Muensterberg - The Film – A Psychological Study
Originally written in the days when filmmaking was a new art form, 1916, appearing under the title of The Photoplay: a Psychological Study and now in a reissue ..(read more)
Publisher: Dover Publications / ISBN: 978-0-4864-3386-8
Author: Hugo Muensterberg
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Early Cinema, Film History.

Malcolm Le Grice - Experimental Cinema in the Digital Age
Michael Le Grice, a pioneer of “structural film” in the 1970s and whose
first video and computer works were exhibited in the late 1960s,
provides a ..(read more)
Publisher: British Film Institute / ISBN: 978-0-8517-0872-0
Author: Malcolm Le Grice
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tag: Film Theory.

Lars Gustaf Andersson, John Sundholm & Astrid Soderbergh Widding - A History of Swedish Experimental Film Culture: From Early Animation to Video Art
This first-ever study of Swedish experimental film represents the results of a Swedish Research Council initiative in 2006–2008. The essays address the instit..(read more)
Publisher: National Library of Sweden / ISBN: 978-0-86196-699-8
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Animation, Cinema, Video Art.

Robert A. Haller - Forty Photographs from Avant-garde Film
This publication is a small tribute to the film-makers of the avant-garde film community in the United States and to the few organizations who show this indepen..(read more)
Publisher: Re:voir
Author: Robert A. Haller
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Cinema, Photography.

Anja Lutz & Jim Avignon - Neoangin – Das Musikalische ABC / The Musical ABC / Le ABC Musical
Teil 1 (Die Buchstaben von A-Z). A spoof of a cover and a parody for a name: Anja Lutz (graphic designer, publisher) and Jim Avignon (artist) got together..(read more)
Publisher: The Green Box / ISBN: 978-3-941644-69-4
Author: Anja Lutz & Jim Avignon
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: 1-of-a-Kinds, Graphic Design, Illustration.

Radical Philosophy - # 189 Jan./Feb. 2015
What does the new year bring for the readers of Radical Philosophy ? An old shoe ! A transvestite's shoe – part of Giuseppe Campusano's artwork ..(read more)
Publisher: Radical Philosophy Ltd. / 189
Author: Radical Philosophy
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Magazines, Philosophy, Politics.

Schokkend Nieuws - # 111 (December/January 2015)
A bimonthly (Dutch only) with interviews, articles, reviews & news for lovers of horror-, science-fiction-, fantasy & cult films. Naughty cover, express..(read more)
Publisher: Schokkend Nieuws / 111
Author: Schokkend Nieuws
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Anime, Cult, Erotica, Fantasy, Magazines, Monster Movies, Splatter Movies, Trash.

Schokkend Nieuws - # 110 (October/November 2014)
A bimonthly (Dutch only) with interviews, articles, reviews & news for lovers of horror-, science-fiction-, fantasy & cult films. Under the Skin, the mu..(read more)
Publisher: Schokkend Nieuws / 110
Author: Schokkend Nieuws
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Anime, Cult, Erotica, Fantasy, Horror, Magazines, Monster Movies, Splatter Movies, Trash.

Schokkend Nieuws - # 109 (August/September 2014)
A bimonthly (Dutch only) with interviews, articles, reviews & news for lovers of horror-, science-fiction-, fantasy & cult films. On the cover a charact..(read more)
Publisher: Schokkend Nieuws / 109
Author: Schokkend Nieuws
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Anime, Cult, Fantasy, Horror, Magazines, Monster Movies, Splatter Movies, Trash.