Ursula K. Le Guin - Space Crone
New posthumous collection of writings by legendary science fiction writer. Sometimes polemical, often hilarious, discusses feminism and radical alternatives on ..(read more)
Publisher: Silver Press / ISBN: 9780995716278
Author: Ursula K. Le Guin
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Feminism, Gender Theory, Science Fiction.

Schokkend Nieuws - 170 (October/November 2024)
In Dutch. UFO Special. Verder: terugblik op 40 jaar Fantasy Film festival Imagine / In a Violent Nature: existentiële slasher / giallo-meester Sergio Martino, ..(read more)
Publisher: Schokkend Nieuws / 170 - okt nov 2024
Author: Schokkend Nieuws
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Cult, Giallo, Magazines, Science Fiction.

Schokkend Nieuws - 147 (Dec 2020 / Jan 2021
In Dutch, the only magazine in the Netherlands on underground and trash movies! Theme of this issue is dystopia. “Burn this issue!” says the cover, ..(read more)
Publisher: Schokkend Nieuws / 147 dec 20 jan 21
Author: Schokkend Nieuws
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Cult, Horror, Magazines, Science Fiction, Trash.

Armen Avanessian and Mahan Moalemi (Eds.) - Ethnofuturismen
In German. Warum es bestimmte manifeste Überlegungen zur Zukunft gegeben hat, die im Hinblick auf ethnische oder rassische Vorgaben und Entwicklungen angestell..(read more)
Publisher: Merve Verlag / ISBN: 9783962730048
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Afrofuturism, Futurism, Science Fiction.

Schokkend Nieuws - 137 (April/May 2019)
In Dutch. A Philip K. Dick special. Interview with William Lustig, Stonerhorror, Captive State, Psycho, and much much more.
Publisher: Schokkend Nieuws / 137 april may 2019
Author: Schokkend Nieuws
Medium: Magazine
Categories: Books & Magazines, Films.
Tags: Cinema, Cult, Horror, Magazines, Science Fiction, Trash.

Schokkend Nieuws - # 133 (August/September 2018)
Dutch language magazine for all things cult in movieland. Featuring among others the Gorky Film studio and Mosfilm, two Russian studios for experimental film, i..(read more)
Publisher: Schokkend Nieuws / 133
Author: Schokkend Nieuws
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Horror, Magazines, Russia, Science Fiction.

Tacet - #04 – Sounds of Utopia
Tacet (subtitled Sound in the Arts) is a bilingual and annual publication documenting and researching sound arts and experimental music. A critical compendium (..(read more)
Publisher: Les presses du réel / ISBN : 978-2-84066-777-3
Author: Tacet
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Magazines, Music Theory, Science Fiction, Sonology, Sound Art.

Lawrence Sutin - Divine Invasions – A Life of Philip K. Dick
Divine Invasions is the definitive biography of one of America’s greatest novelists and science fiction’s greatest ambassador to literary audiences...(read more)
Publisher: Da Capo Press / ISBN: 9780786716234
Author: Lawrence Sutin
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Biography, Science Fiction.

Simon Rittmeier - Drexciya
According to a myth spread by the Detroit electronic act of the same name, Drexciya was an underwater country populated by the unborn children of pregnant Afric..(read more)
Label: Own
Artist: Simon Rittmeier
Medium: DVD
Category: Films.
Tags: Afrofuturism, Science Fiction.