Radical Philosophy - # 187 Sept./Oct. 2014
Publisher: Radical Philosophy Ltd. / 187
Author: Radical Philosophy
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Magazines, Philosophy, Politics.

Common Skin - Common Skin
Seeing others as different blocks thinking about the value and richness of cultural diversity. The question is: what are the alternatives to alterity, what appr..(read more)
Publisher: Valiz / ISBN: 978-90-78088-67-7
Author: Common Skin
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Art Theory, Culture Theory, Magazines, Philosophy.

Radical Philosophy - # 185 May/Jun. 2014
The reader of this late spring issue of RP is struck by the in memoriam of Stuart Hall (1932-2014). However, the cover photo seems to hark back to another era. ..(read more)
Publisher: Radical Philosophy Ltd. / 185
Author: Radical Philosophy
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Magazines, Philosophy, Politics.

REALmag. - # 2 – Manipulation
REALmag keeps reinventing itself. A different format, different paper, but with the same level of commitment and inspiration. This time it’s composed of e..(read more)
Publisher: REALmag. / ISSN 2214-0921
Author: REALmag.
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Art, Graphic Design, Philosophy, Photography.

Radical Philosophy - # 183 Jan/Feb. 2014
Boring cover, but exciting content. Starting with the eulogies for Marshall Berman (1940) and Lou Reed (1942-2013). Also an article on the much mentioned D-word..(read more)
Publisher: Radical Philosophy Ltd. / 183
Author: Radical Philosophy
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Magazines, Philosophy, Politics.

Radical Philosophy - # 180 July/Aug. 2013
Martin Marino opens with a commentary on the legacy of Hugo Chavez. Can Chavismo exist after Chavez ? David Cunningham zooms in on Deadwood, a HBO-network serie..(read more)
Publisher: Radical Philosophy Ltd. / 180
Author: Radical Philosophy
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Magazines, Philosophy, Politics.

Various Artists - Open 2012 /No.23
Dutch edition. Autonomie. Nieuwe vormen van vrijheid en onafhankelijkheid in kunst en cultuur. Can autonomy be a means to reinforce the public relevance of art ..(read more)
Publisher: NAi010 Publishers / ISBN 978-90-5662-857-4
Author: Various Artists
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Art Theory, Culture Theory, Philosophy, Politics.

Various Artists - Open 2012 /No.23
English edition. Autonomy. New forms of freedom and independence in Art and Culture. Can autonomy be a means to reinforce the public relevance of art and cultur..(read more)
Publisher: NAi010 Publishers / ISBN 978-90-5662-858-1
Author: Various Artists
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Art Theory, Culture Theory, Philosophy, Politics.

Steve Rushton - Masters of Reality
Masters of Reality brings together the first collection of texts by Steve Rushton. Second in a series of publications on contemporary art inaugurated by the Pie..(read more)
Publisher: Sternberg Press / ISBN 978-3-943365-22-1
Author: Steve Rushton
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Art Theory, Media Theory, Philosophy.