Various Authors - Derek Jarman
New essays by international art critics devoted to the artist’s life and work offer accessible overview of legendary artist and filmmaker Derek Jarman.
Publisher: JRP Ringier / ISBN: 9783037645888
Author: Various Authors
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Artist Film, Experimental Films, monograph, Portrait, UK.
Price: €37.50

Sven Schlijper-Karssenberg - A Work By Leif Elggren A Day
This exclusive little set brings together episodic poetic writings, insights, reason and unreason, fact and possibly fiction on the works of Leif Elggren.
Publisher: Firework Edition / ISBN: 9789187066511 / 9789187066542 / 9789187066627 / 9789187066 641
Author: Sven Schlijper-Karssenberg
Medium: Set of Books
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Almanac, Avant-Garde, Fluxus, Mail Art, monograph, Performance Art, Shamanism.
Price: €45.00

Peter Greenaway - Le Grand Atelier de Peter Greenaway
In French. Greenaway écrit rarement sur sa production. Ce livre constitue donc un ouvrage de référence pour tous ceux qui s’intéressent à cet artiste..(read more)
Publisher: Les Presses du Réel / ISBN : 9782840660293
Author: Peter Greenaway
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Arthouse, Cinema, monograph, UK.
Price: €10.00

Franz Kafka - Qui etait Kafka?
This documentary explores the secrets and legend behind Franz Kafka, the renowned author of such books as The Metamorphosis and The Trial. Using actors who port..(read more)
Label: Arte Video
Artist: Franz Kafka
Medium: DVD
Category: Films.
Tags: Literature, monograph, Portrait.
Price: €25.00