Various Artists - Frog Peak Collaborations Project
62 composers, 115 pieces, all based on a brief soundfile by Australian composer/poet/performer Chris Mann, reading a text he supplied himself. Plus the original soundfile if you feel like having a go yourself. Highlights are Rainer Linz’s “Piano”, Lawrence Fritts’ “Minute Variations 1-4”, Paul Dibley’s “A Question?”, Joe DeFazio’s “Four Studies”, Hern Jercher’s “DAGS”, D’Arcy Philip Gray’s “theReason”, Peggy Madden’s three offerings, Carter Scholz’s “An Economy of Virtual Knowns”, Akira Rabelais’ “Three Minutes of Fifteen Seconds” and Eric Lyon’s “Conversations 1: A Micro-Oratorio”, and last but not least Ernie Althoff and Graeme Davis’ “Best Intentions”, which, as neither composer is linked to the Internet, consists of 57 seconds of deep silence.