Sonic Acts - Ecoes #5
Sonic Acts’ ongoing interest has been the climate emergency and the importance of art in the crisis. Ecoes unpacks alternatives to anthropocentric perspective..(read more)
Publisher: Sonic Acts Press / Ecoes 5
Author: Sonic Acts
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Art, Ecology, Hydrophony, Magazines, Sound Art, Water.

Sonic Acts - Ecoes #4
Independent magazine about art in the age of pollution. Dives into the ‘petrocapitalist noxiousness’ of our time, personal stories of artists and researcher..(read more)
Publisher: Sonic Acts Press / Ecoes 4
Author: Sonic Acts
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Art, Climate Change, Ecology, Environment, Fossil Fuels.

Sonic Acts - Ecoes #2
Second edition of Sonic Acts’ periodic magazine on art in the age of pollution. Artists and thinkers who propose alternatives to the anthropocentric view that..(read more)
Publisher: Sonic Acts Press / Ecoes 2
Author: Sonic Acts
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Bio Art, Climate Change, Ecology, Environment, Magazines.

Sonic Acts - Ecoes #1
Ecoes is a new periodic magazine that continues Sonic Acts’ emphasis on artists and thinkers proposing alternatives to the anthropocentric view that sees Eart..(read more)
Publisher: Sonic Acts Press / Ecoes 1
Author: Sonic Acts
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Art, Climate Change, Culture Theory, Ecology, Environment, Magazines.

MÆKUR - CONDITIONS : 1218-0719
MÆKUR is the collaborative project of Maiа Urstad, Anton Kats and Eva Rowson. The collective synthesizes artistic, sonic and radiophonic practices to research..(read more)
Label: Sonic Acts
Artist: MÆKUR
Medium: LP
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Electronic, Radio Art, Vinyl.