Various Artists - Stop Motion
Stop Motion The Fantastic world of puppet animationfilm- is a book in German language that offers not only tips and tricks about stop motion filmmaking but is..(read more)
Publisher: Deutsches Filmmuseum / ISBN 3-88799--072-2
Author: Various Artists
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tag: Animation.

Various Artists - Panorama of Arab Cinema 1954 – 2004
Bilingual ( German/ English) catalogue describes over 70 films and gives essays by well-known arabic filmhistorians an revealing introduction to the cinema of E..(read more)
Label: Deutsches Filmmuseum
Artist: Various Artists
Medium: Book
Category: Films.
Tags: Arabian, Catalogue, World Cinema.

Various Artists - Korea im Blick
A catalogue of a three-part filmprogram programmed along the Frankfurter Buchmesse 2005. “Master and Masterworks”, “Love and Anxiety” ..(read more)
Label: Deutsches Filmmuseum
Artist: Various Artists
Medium: Book
Category: Films.
Tags: Catalogue, Cinema, World Cinema.

Ronny Loewy - Das jiddische Kino
An introduction to the jiddish cinema.In German
Label: Deutsches Filmmuseum / ISBN 3-88799-002-1
Artist: Ronny Loewy
Medium: Book
Category: Films.
Tags: Cinema, Jewish, World Cinema.

Alexander Kluge - Die Poetische Kraft Der Theorie & Alle Gefühle Glauben An Einen Glücklichen Ausgang
The Poetic Power of Theory: Aristotle, Heidegger, Spinoza, Marx, Nietzsche, Kant (“What Does it Mean to Orient Oneself in Thinking?”). Seven example..(read more)
Label: Filmmuseum München / EF34
Artist: Alexander Kluge
Medium: 2DVD
Category: Films.
Tags: Philosophy, Shorts, Television.

Hanns Walter Kornblum - Wunder Der Schöpfung
In the context of Germany’s Kulturfilm genre, one of the greatest achievements of the 1920s. Constructed, rehearsed, and shot in 2,5 years, describing the..(read more)
Label: Filmmuseum München / EF43
Artist: Hanns Walter Kornblum
Medium: DVD
Category: Films.
Tags: Early Cinema, Science Fiction.

Various Artists - Crazy Cinematographe: Europäisches Jahrmarktkino 1896-1916
50 short films collected to show the origins of cinema. Dogs playing the pianos, contortionists defying the pain limits, handcoloured serpentine dances: this wa..(read more)
Label: Filmmuseum München / EF18
Artist: Various Artists
Medium: 2DVD
Category: Films.
Tags: Compilations, Early Cinema, Film History, History.

Ferdinand Khittl - Die Parallelstraße / La Route Parallèle
An unjustly forgotten masterpiece from 1962 from the New German Cinema, produced by GBF, a production company for innovative industrial and promotional films. I..(read more)
Label: Filmmuseum München / EF47
Artist: Ferdinand Khittl
Medium: DVD
Category: Films.
Tags: '60s, Cinema, Experimental.