Merve Kılıçer - Wells of Knowledge: Poetry, Music and Resistance in Turkey
Focuses on the transfer of knowledge through cultural production in the oral folkloric traditions of Anatolia. Zine made of one large A2 poster folding back int..(read more)
Publisher: Hybrid Publishing, WdKA / ISBN: 9789492479068
Author: Merve Kılıçer
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Folklore, Geography, Hybrid Publishing, Turkey, WdKA.

Daisy Thijssen - Meat Market
Daisy Thijssen is a designer and researcher fascinated by contemporary food culture. How we consume meat and what types we accept, animals as unrecognisable pro..(read more)
Publisher: Hybrid Publishing, WdKA / ISBN: 9789492479037
Author: Daisy Thijssen
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Criticism, Ecology, Environment, Hybrid Publishing, WdKA.

Tracy Hanna - She Knows How She Might Behave
Tracy Hanna is based in Rotterdam, NL. She organises spoken word event and plays in experimental bands, where spontaneous expression and original ideas are more..(read more)
Label: Hybrid Publishing, WdKA / ISBN: 9789492479099
Artist: Tracy Hanna
Medium: Book + 7"
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Experimental, Hybrid Publishing, Spoken Word, Vinyl, WdKA.

Ermi Van Oers - Living Light
Quite a successful story this, of a designer collaborating with bio-scientists and “the market”. Van Oers, found a way to generate electricity throu..(read more)
Publisher: Hybrid Publishing, WdKA / ISBN: 9789492479051
Author: Ermi Van Oers
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Bio-design, biotechnology, Ecology, Environment, Hybrid Publishing, WdKA.

Jade Ruijzenaars - Crangon Crangon
Innovative research into the shrimp industry. 60% to 70% of a shrimp is its shell, which is not suitable for consumption. Processing and resulting waste are inv..(read more)
Publisher: Hybrid Publishing, WdKA / ISBN: 9789492479044
Author: Jade Ruijzenaars
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Design, Hybrid Publishing, Recycling, WdKA.

Lou Muuse - Retour Afzender / Return to Sender
Simulation in print of the Dutch asylum seeker procedure guides you through its subsequent stages. From various asylum centers up to the shelter of the rejected..(read more)
Publisher: Hybrid Publishing, WdKA / ISBN: ISBN 9789492479013
Author: Lou Muuse
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Design, Human Rights, Hybrid Publishing, Migration, WdKA.