Jozua Zaagman - Comfortzone and Disillusion #4 – From Here to There – Reality Mappings
Jozua Zaagman has a thing for spaces, little pockets of space within the public space, where informal things happen. And true to someone who loves mapping, he t..(read more)
Publisher: Onomatopee / # 50.8 - Nest #9
Author: Jozua Zaagman
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Environment, Graphic Design, Magazines, Sociology.

Nacho Carbonell - Comfortzone and Disillusion #3 – What is (still) Natural in an Experience Economy ?
Is it design or art ? The works of Nacho Carbonell, subject of this publication, are deliberately ambiguous. His furniture is so large scale that one is invited..(read more)
Publisher: Onomatopee / # 50.7 - Nest #8
Author: Nacho Carbonell
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Art, Magazines, Politics.

Willem Claassen - Comfortzone and Disillusion #2 – Spatial Rupture
2011. Spatial Rupture is a term coined to describe the work of Willem Claassen. There are many more descriptions: a space of open-ended architectonics, a functi..(read more)
Publisher: Onomatopee / # 50.6 - Nest #7
Author: Willem Claassen
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Architecture, Design, Magazines, Superuse.

Robert Ashley - Music with Roots in the Aether
“Music with Roots in the Aether” is a series of interviews with seven composers who seemed to me when I conceived the piece-and who still seem to me..(read more)
Publisher: MusikTexte / ISBN: 3-9803151-6-9
Author: Robert Ashley
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Composers, Contemporary.

Robert Ashley - Outside of Time/Außerhalb der Zeit
Bilingual (English/German 656 pages) collection of writings about ideas concerning music by American composer Robert Ashley.
Publisher: MusikTexte / ISBN: 978-3-9813319-0-5
Author: Robert Ashley
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Composers, Contemporary.

Alvin Lucier - Reflections-Reflexionen
Bilingual (English/German) collection of Interviews, Scores and Writings by American composer Alvin Lucier during the years 1965–1994.
Publisher: MusikTexte / ISBN: 3-9803151-2-6
Author: Alvin Lucier
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Composers, Contemporary.

Morton Feldman - Words on Music (Worte über Musik) Vol.1 and 2
“I have to admit, in all candor, that I realized that there was really not an audience for my music. I can’t speak for contemporary music. I never h..(read more)
Publisher: MusikTexte / ISBN: 3-9803151-8-5
Author: Morton Feldman
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Avant-Garde, Composers.

Gummbah + Chantal Rens - Nobody Loves Me
Second improved edition. Silly, cooky, strange. A collection of polaroids (reproduced in colour !) for people who can read between the lines. All in good taste,..(read more)
Publisher: Own
Author: Gummbah + Chantal Rens
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Absurdism, Magazines, Photography, Zines.

Chantal Rens - Kanada
Chantal Rens is queen of the collage ! Cutting up images and piecing them together is too simple a description here. Witty and thought-provoking, as are her epi..(read more)
Publisher: Own
Author: Chantal Rens
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: 1-of-a-Kinds, Artist Book, Magazines, Zines.