Achille Mbembe - The Earthly Community – Reflections on the last Utopia
Mbembe explores what remains of the human subject when the instrumentality of reason is carried out by information machines and technologies of calculation.
Publisher: V2 / ISBN:9789082893533
Author: Achille Mbembe
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Artificial Intelligence, Ecology, Humanism, Utopia.

Yavor Tarinski - Concepts for a Democratic and Ecological Society
Examines the fundamental conflict between democracy and capitalism, how to renew the commons, and create a genuine solidarity economy to overturn the ravages of..(read more)
Publisher: Zero Books / ISBN: 9781789049220
Author: Yavor Tarinski
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Criticism, Politics, Utopia.

Brandon Labelle - The Other Citizen
Tracks the hopes and losses, struggles and utopian desires of “the floating subjects” of contemporary life. Drawing upon traditions of socially engaged poet..(read more)
Publisher: Errant Bodies Press / ISBN : 9780997874471
Author: Brandon Labelle
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Sociology, Utopia.

Grafton Tanner - The Circle Of The Snake
Big Tech’s predictive algorithms are locking us into nostalgic feedback loops. The result is a precarious society with its gaze fixed on the good old days.
Publisher: Zero Books / ISBN: 9781789040227
Author: Grafton Tanner
Medium: Books
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Dystopia, Economy, Fantasy, Media Theory, Nostalgia, Politics, Utopia.

Michael F. Leruth - Fred Forest’s Utopia
Described as “France’s most famous unknown artist,” the innovative media provocateur Fred Forest was a precursor of Eduardo Kac, Jodi, the Yes Men, RT..(read more)
Publisher: MIT Press / ISBN: 9780262036498
Author: Michael F. Leruth
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, France, Hacking, Media Art, Utopia.