Jaap Blonk - Possible Gardens
Another example of Blonk’s abundant phantasy: 81 colourful, playful drawings. Myriads of little beings populate each page, distant descendants of phonetic..(read more)
Publisher: Post-Asemic Press / ISBN: 9781734866285
Author: Jaap Blonk
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Graphic Art, Graphic Scores, Poetry, Synaesthesia.
Price: €20.00

Jaap Blonk - AsemiQuads
Visio/verbal hybrids that both dance upon the eye as well as offer performative sound scores. A delightful twist that delves further into Blonk’s substant..(read more)
Publisher: Timglaset Editions / ISBN: 9789198725735
Author: Jaap Blonk
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Graphic Art, Graphic Scores, Poetry, Synaesthesia.
Price: €20.00

Various Authors - Emotion of Spirits
Sedje Hémon (1923-2011) was a Dutch visual artist and composer, whose theory of the “integration of the arts” aimed to prove the common origin of all arts...(read more)
Publisher: Archive Books / ISBN: 9783949973093
Author: Various Authors
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Abstract, Art, Pioneers, Sonic Experiments, Synaesthesia.
Price: €17.00