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Lukas Simonis - Stots

One of the most impressive aspects of this Lukas Simonis (Rotterdam based Dutch guitarplayer) CD, pieced together over 2005 and 2006, is how skillfully he maintains this focus on small events which are dispersed so quickly that they are like visuals flashing past the corner of one’s eye. There are no indulgent repetitions or puffed-up climaxes aimed at knocking over tough customers. Melodic and rhythmic aspects do certainly emerge on tracks such as “Ippesa” and “Baljisrool,” the latter allowing such musicality to slowly rise out of what sounds like backwards or digitally scanned guitar figures. Simonis certainly doesn’t hide his abilities as a freaky picker, a cranky old man growling from the frets on “Jeiler V,” while “Adoot” sounds like something horrible happening to the more obnoxious cast members of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. By the end of it all, “Hirk¡,” his axe seems to have developed indigestion, no surprise considering this diet of ground up sea shells and hobbits.

Label: Z6 / 3312
Medium: CD
Category: .


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