Various Authors - Jean Desmet’s Dream Factory – The Adventurous Years of Film (1907-1916)
An inspiring picture of the early years of film. A new medium that developed rapidly into a popular form of entertainment thanks to new technology, artistic ing..(read more)
Publisher: NAi010 Publishers / ISBN: 978-94-6208-174-1
Author: Various Authors
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Early Cinema, Film History, Pioneers.

Boris Lehman - Histoire de ma vie racontée par mes photographies
A personal film or documentary is by Boris Lehman.
Label: Re:voir / ISBN: 3493551101321
Artist: Boris Lehman
Medium: DVD+Book
Category: Films.
Tags: Documentary, Experimental.

Various Authors - Autonomie door Tegenspraak / Autonomy by Dissent
OT301 is a self-run social and cultural centre in a legalized squat in Amsterdam. This book came out when they celebrated their 15th anniversary in 2014.
Publisher: Own / ISBN: 9789081786416
Author: Various Authors
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Amsterdam, Underground.

Hard Headed Soul - Maskarada
I re-discovered this great recording from 1993! Bass-driven punk/impro, a bit like The Ex, with a large number of musicians. To name a few: Godevil, The Parking..(read more)
Label: Own
Artist: Hard Headed Soul
Medium: CD
Categories: Records & Tapes, Second Hand.
Tags: '90s, Eindhoven, Improvisation, Punk.

Dinah Bird - A Box of 78s
The box of 78rpm records this title refers to, belonged to Dinah Bird’s grandmother who was born on the Gulf Islands, British Columbia, in 1910.
Dinah Bir..(read more)
Label: Gruenrekorder / Gruen 148
Artist: Dinah Bird
Medium: LP
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Field Recordings, Sound Art, Vinyl.

Asemic - 15
Tim Gaze, based in South Australia, is the man behind this very special periodical. A paperback with full colour cover (front by Satu Kaikkonen, back by Marilyn..(read more)
Publisher: Asemic / 15
Author: Asemic
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Grahic Art, Magazines, Typography.

Nathan Nolan Newrohr Cook - Transmutation Passages I-IV
Label: Close/Far
Artist: Nathan Nolan Newrohr Cook
Medium: Music Cassette
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tag: Instalations.

Joe Cutler - Boogie Nights
Label: Birmingham Record Company / BRC 3
Artist: Joe Cutler
Medium: CD
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Composers, Contemporary, Instrumental.

Winged Simians - Winged Simians
This tape label, run by Ignace de Bruyn, always comes up with extraordinary packaging. This one is supposed to be a monkey – or would it be a monkey bat p..(read more)
Label: No Basement is Deep Enough / NBIDE #37
Artist: Winged Simians
Medium: Music Cassette
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Soundscapes, Tapes.