Hannes Liechti - This Track Contains Politics: The Culture of Sampling in Experimental Electronica
Discusses the culture and politics of musical sampling from a new perspective. Liechti’s in-depth analysis of sampling strategies by artists such as COOL FOR ..(read more)
Publisher: Norient / ISBN: 9783952544426
Author: Hannes Liechti
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Electronic Music, Politics, Pop Culture, Sampling.

OT TO, NOT TO - It Loved to Happen
This was an experimental R’n’B recording project of Ian Mugerwa and Noah Smith. Mugerwa tried to subvert tropes in pop R’n’B like its st..(read more)
Label: New Info / NIOT12x1R
Artist: OT TO, NOT TO
Medium: LP
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Electronic, RnB, Sampling, Vinyl.

Okapi & Aldo Kapi's Orchestra - Love Him Vol.1
This is the work of Italian cut up musician Filippo Paolini, who has previously released work as one half of duo Metaxu and one third of trio Dogon, collaborati..(read more)
Label: KML Sonic Invaders / KML 2114
Artist: Okapi & Aldo Kapi's Orchestra
Medium: LP
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Collage, Italy, Nostalgia, Sampling, Vinyl.

Dog Leather - Untitled
Not sure if this duo is still active, the tape is from 2011 and released by Johann Kauth’s label from Antwerp.
Baltimore mainstay Max Eisenberg (DJ Dog Di..(read more)
Label: Stenzequo
Artist: Dog Leather
Medium: Music Cassette
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Electronic Rock, Experimental, Sampling, Tapes.

Marc Wannabe - Alte Faltige Roboter
Dubby kraut-techno with a twist. Several twists actually, including quirky and a-typical samples and loops. Behind the name goes Marek Wantzéck who is based in..(read more)
Label: 90ProzentWasser / WVINYL008
Artist: Marc Wannabe
Medium: LP
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Berlin, Sampling, Techno, Vinyl.

Hassle Hound - LimeLight Cordial
Debut full length by this trio. Hassle Hound are a benign tornado, roaring and twisting through the best and most eclectic of record collections, ripping out an..(read more)
Label: Staubgold / 65
Artist: Hassle Hound
Medium: CD
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Pop, Sampling, Songwriters.

Paul D. Miller - Sound Unbound
Sound Unbound is about the remix—how music, art, and literature have blurred the lines between what an artist can do and what a composer can create.
Publisher: MIT Press / ISBN: 9780262633635
Author: Paul D. Miller
Medium: Book + CD
Categories: Books & Magazines, Records & Tapes.
Tags: Music Theory, Sampling, Turntablism.