Various Authors - Queer Exhibition Histories
LGBTQIA+ artists and curators have always been underexposed or forgotten. Various articles on queer exhibitions and their modes of presentation and archiving.
Publisher: Valiz / ISBN 9789493246133
Author: Various Authors
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Art, Curatorship, Queer Culture.

ZINES - #2021-3: Embodied DIY – Feminist and Queer Zines in a Transglobal World
International peer/research journal dedicated to amateur and do-it-yourself media, from fanzines to webzines, perzines to science zines, artzines to poezines
Publisher: Strandflat / ISBN : 9791096141180
Author: ZINES
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: DIY, Fanzines, Feminism, Queer Culture, Zines.

ZINES - #2021-2: Embodied DIY – Feminist and Queer Zines in a Transglobal World
International peer/research journal dedicated to amateur and do-it-yourself media, from fanzines to webzines, perzines to science zines, artzines to poezines
Publisher: Strandflat / ISBN: 9791096141173
Author: ZINES
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: DIY, Fanzines, Feminism, Queer Culture, Zines.

Fruity Zine - # 1 – An Exploration into Queer Ideologies and Current Thought
Fruity Zine was published by Squish, a Rotterdam-based organisation for queer & feminist art events/parties. Squish also hosts a radio show where they inter..(read more)
Publisher: Squish
Author: Fruity Zine
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Queer Culture, Zines.

Schokkend Nieuws - # 144 (June/July 2020)
Special: Queer Fear / Interviews: Bruce LaBruce, Gregg Araki / Boek: The Brood• Soundtrack: Time Bandits• Terra Incognita: Drag cinema.
Label: Schokkend Nieuws / 144 june july 2020
Artist: Schokkend Nieuws
Medium: Magazine
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Cult, Horror, Magazines, Queer Culture, Splatter Movies.

Neal Gruer - Same Difference / Aceeași Diferență
Photobook featuring writings in English with Romanian translations by Bucharest-based, Scottish-Ghanaian photographer and writer, Neal Gruer. The images were ta..(read more)
Publisher: Own / ISBN: 978-973-0-28198-9
Author: Neal Gruer
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Eastern Europe, Photography, Politics, Queer Culture, Romania.

Annette Frick - Jenseits der Trampelpfade Heft 17 A-B-C: Die Masken der Identität
Frick has been, since the 1990s, documenting Berlin’s subcultures, most notably the internationally connected Queer Community, but also the structural cha..(read more)
Publisher: Own / Heft 17 A-B-C
Author: Annette Frick
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Berlin, Photography, Queer Culture.

Soundings - Issue 70 (Winter 2018): Telling Political Stories
Soundings offers committed, informed and thoughtful writing on a wide range of contemporary political and cultural debates. Founded twenty years ago by Stuart H..(read more)
Publisher: Laurence & Wishart / ISBN: 9781912064229
Author: Soundings
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Criticism, Magazines, Politics, Queer Culture, UK.

TRANS is gemaakt door vijftien transgender personen, laat transrolmodellen aan het woord en besteedt aandacht aan de leefsituatie van transpersonen wereldwijd, ..(read more)
Publisher: Inclusief Media / TRANS #2
Author: TRANS
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Gender Theory, Queer Culture, Sociology, Trans, Underground.