Lino Hellings - The Making of PAPA
Who or what is Papa ? PAPA (Participating Artists Press Agency) is an internationally curated network of artist-correspondents. PAPA participating artists press..(read more)
Publisher: Post Editions / ISBN: 978-94-6083-066-2
Author: Lino Hellings
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Photography.

Gummbah + Chantal Rens - Nobody Loves Me
Second improved edition. Silly, cooky, strange. A collection of polaroids (reproduced in colour !) for people who can read between the lines. All in good taste,..(read more)
Publisher: Own
Author: Gummbah + Chantal Rens
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Absurdism, Magazines, Photography, Zines.

REALmag. - # 2 – Manipulation
REALmag keeps reinventing itself. A different format, different paper, but with the same level of commitment and inspiration. This time it’s composed of e..(read more)
Publisher: REALmag. / ISSN 2214-0921
Author: REALmag.
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Art, Graphic Design, Philosophy, Photography.

Salvo - # 2 The Sneezing Man
An Investigation of Motion Photography. February 2014. The second publication by Salvo with articles by V.H.T van Baar, A.J.P. Geene, D. de Jong, A.E.J. de Nooy..(read more)
Publisher: Salvo / ISBN: 978-90-820291-1-6
Author: Salvo
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Magazines, Photography.

Rene Castelijn & Raymond de Vries - Cromagnon (September 2013)
The first publication of the photographers Rene Castelijn and Raymond de vries, a collaboration with all images and no talk ! As the name of their love child in..(read more)
Publisher: Own
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Conceptual Art, Magazines, Photography, Zines.

Kim de Groot - Image Management
Image management discusses a move from images as representation, to the application of images as productive networked objects. It is about the role of the image..(read more)
Publisher: Own / ISBN: 9789078454991
Author: Kim de Groot
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tag: Photography.

Wilhelm Hein & Annette Frick - Jenseits der Trampelpfade Heft 13
Fachblatt fuer Fotografie Film und andere Kunst. Berlin Oktober 2012. German language edition (for the most part). Welcome to the world of Annette Frick and Wil..(read more)
Label: Own
Artist: Wilhelm Hein & Annette Frick
Medium: Magazine + DVD
Category: Films.
Tags: Cinema, Cult, Magazines, Photography.

Pablo Butcher - Urban Vodou
Politics and popular street art in Haiti. Haiti's popular murals mix a vital sense of the contemporary with more timeless themes and motifs. Drawing on a d..(read more)
Publisher: signal Books / ISBN 978-1-904955-60-3
Author: Pablo Butcher
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Photography, Street Art.

Trevor Paglen - The Last Pictures
Inspired by ancient cave paintings, nuclear warning signs, and Carl Sagan’s Golden Records of the 70s, he collected 100 images to be etched onto a golden ..(read more)
Publisher: University of California Press / ISBN: 978-0520275003
Author: Trevor Paglen
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Futurism, History, Photography, Technology.