Various Artists - Nieuwe Nederlandse Naïviteit
Wonderful compilation full of wayward tunes by the outsiders, dissidents and non-conformists of today in The Netherlands. On Thor Kissing’s record label P..(read more)
Label: Petrol Candy
Artist: Various Artists
Medium: LP
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: 1-of-a-Kinds, Eccentrics, New Wave and Post-Punk, Outsider Art, Pop, Vinyl.

Paola Egliori - Harry Smith: American Magus
A privileged look into the life and artistic practice of the experimental filmmaker, music anthologist, and enigmatic polymath Harry Smith.
Publisher: Semiotext(e) / ISBN: 9781635901641
Author: Paola Egliori
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Eccentrics, Outsider Art, USA.

Guy Mankowski - Albion’s Secret History
Compiles snapshots of English pop culture’s rebels and outsiders, from Oscar Wilde to Tricky via PJ Harvey and Mark E. Smith. Those who have really shaped Alb..(read more)
Publisher: Zero Books / ISBN: 9781789040289
Author: Guy Mankowski
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: History, Outsider Art, Pop, Pop Culture, UK.

Irma van Veen / Guus Van Vugt - Laatbloeier En Het Succes
“Laatbloeier En Het Succes” is the first publication, in Dutch language, to introduce you to the universe of Guus Van Vugt, life-long Rotterdam resi..(read more)
Publisher: WORM
Author: Irma van Veen / Guus Van Vugt
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Outsider Art, Rotterdam, Steampunk.

tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE - Paradigm Shift Knuckle Sandwich – & Other Examples of P.N.T. (Perverse Number Theory)
“As a child and a young man I imagined that I might be able to be invisible if I could just vibrate in such a way that light no longer reflected off me bu..(read more)
Publisher: Through The Eye Of A Needle In A Haystack Press / ISBN: 9781944786441
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Art, Outsider Art, Patafysica, Science.

Various Authors - Outsider Art Sourcebook: International Guide to Art Brut and Outsider Art.
New edition of the well-known Sourcebook published by RawVision (US). Essential for all enthusiasts and collectors of Outsider Art and Folk Art, as well as a fa..(read more)
Publisher: Raw Vision / ISBN: 9780954339371
Author: Various Authors
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Eccentrics, Outsider Art.

Florian Cramer - Anti-Media – Ephemera on Speculative Arts
1. There is art, and there is anti-art.2. If that is so, there must also be anti-media.3. ‘Media’ as a term is as fuzzy as ‘art’.4. Both ‘art’..(read more)
Publisher: NAi010 Publishers / ISBN 978-94-62080-31-7
Author: Florian Cramer
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Avant-Garde, Media Theory, Network Culture, Outsider Art, Pop Culture.

Raw Vision - # 72 (Spring / Summer 2011)
Periodical on outsider art, art brut and contemporary folk art edited by John Maizels. This issue focuses on outsider art from Japan, featuring Masao Obata and ..(read more)
Publisher: Raw Vision / 2527483776
Author: Raw Vision
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Magazines, Outsider Art.

Klaus Beyer - Ein Harter Tag
Klaus Beyer wants to Germanise and release all the Beatles albums. A photo row from a vending machine is shown on the cover stating: “Ich bin 4 Beat..(read more)
Label: Amsel Records / NO RAP 3012
Artist: Klaus Beyer
Medium: CD
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Outsider Art, Pop.