Paul Purgas (Editor) - Subcontinental Synthesis: Electronic Music at the National Institute on Design, India 1969-1972
The history of India’s first electronic music studio founded in 1969 at the National Institute of Design in Ahmedabad. It was co-founded by composer David Tud..(read more)
Publisher: Strange Attractors Press / ISBN: 9781913689582
Author: Paul Purgas (Editor)
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Electronic Music, India, Pioneers.
Price: €22.50
Jeremy Jeffs - The Story Of India With Michael Wood
Historian Michael Wood visits places and interviews experts all over India to cover the great chapters of the subcontinent’s long and impressive history.
Label: BBC
Artist: Jeremy Jeffs
Medium: 2DVD
Categories: Films, Second Hand.
Tags: Documentary, History, India.
Price: €10.00