Merve Kılıçer - Wells of Knowledge: Poetry, Music and Resistance in Turkey
Focuses on the transfer of knowledge through cultural production in the oral folkloric traditions of Anatolia. Zine made of one large A2 poster folding back int..(read more)
Publisher: Hybrid Publishing, WdKA / ISBN: 9789492479068
Author: Merve Kılıçer
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Folklore, Geography, Hybrid Publishing, Turkey, WdKA.
Price: €15.00

The Funambulist - # 14 – November/December 2017
Toxic Atmospheres draws on the concepts of “being-in-the-breathable” (Peter Sloterdijk), “the weather” (Christina Sharpe), and “combat breathing” (F..(read more)
Publisher: The Funambulist / 14
Author: The Funambulist
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Architecture, Environment, Geography, Magazines, Politics.
Price: €12.00

Annelys de Vet & Moniek Driesse (Ed.) - Subjective Atlas of Mexico
Another example of that very special project of Annelys de Vet, the ‘Subjective Atlas of Mexico’ is part of a series
of atlases where a varied group..(read more)
Publisher: Subjective Editions / ISBN 978-6077818403
Medium: Book + DVD
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Design, Geography, Mexico, Psychogeography, Street Art.
Price: €19.50

Annelys de Vet and Taqi Shaheen (editors) - Subjective Atlas of Pakistan
What and who do we talk about when we speak of ‘Pakistan’ and the ‘Pakistani’? This question was posed to more than eighty artists, designers, and other..(read more)
Publisher: Subjective Editions / ISBN: 978-908-291-991-2
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Asian, Geography, Psychogeography.
Price: €19.50