Brandon Labelle - Acoustic Justice
Tackling issues of recognition and resistance, place and displacement, this book moves across a range of pertinent references and topics, from social practices ..(read more)
Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic / ISBN: 9781501368219
Author: Brandon Labelle
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Politics, Sound Art, Sound Studies.

Johannes van de Weert - Daarom Bonzen Onze Harten Zo
In Dutch. Autobiographical story about punk and underground in New York, London and Rotterdam. The author was a member of legendary band The Rondo’s.
Publisher: Druxat / ISBN: 9789076154152
Author: Johannes van de Weert
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, History, Punk, Rotterdam, Underground.

Adbusters - # 166 – POP! Goes the Old World Order
Is this the final chapter in the human story? Are we too exhausted to do more than bingewatch and doomscroll? You still have a choice: Throw in the towel
Publisher: Adbusters / 166 - POP!
Author: Adbusters
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Criticism, Magazines, Politics.

T.J. Demos, Emily Eliza Scott and Subhankar Banerjee - The Routledge Companion to Contemporary Art, Visual Culture, and Climate Change
This volume (492 pages!) brings together 40 essays by leading and emerging voices working in contemporary art, visual culture, activism, and climate change
Publisher: Routledge / ISBN: 9780367701161
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Art, Climate Change, Decolonisation, Ecology.

Adbusters - # 164: The Big Ideas of 2023
Can we win the Planetary endgame? The question’s as blunt as the times are dire. In our year-end issue we argue both sides, with our most optimistic, bright-e..(read more)
Publisher: Adbusters / 164 - The Big Ideas of 2023
Author: Adbusters
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Criticism, Graphic Art, Magazines, Politics.

Carissa Véliz - Privacy is Power
Short, terrifying, practical: Privacy is Power highlights the implications of our laid-back attitude to data and sets out how we can take back control.
Publisher: Penguin / ISBN: 9780552177719
Author: Carissa Véliz
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Data Science, Internet, Privacy.

Various Authors - Mix & Stir
Mix & Stir aims to encourage studying art beyond national constraints, cultural dominances, and hierarchies: a voyage similar to that of culinary discovery...(read more)
Publisher: Valiz / ISBN 9789493246058
Author: Various Authors
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Art, Curatorship.

Radical Philosophy - 2.13
50 years since the 1st issue of Radical Philosophy was published in 1972! Former editors share their recollections, like Jonathan Rée, Sean Sayers, Christopher..(read more)
Publisher: Radical Philosophy / 2.13 (October 2022)
Author: Radical Philosophy
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Culture Theory, Magazines, Philosophy, Politics.

Adbusters - # 162: The Wobbly Issue
Notable for its layout and design — editor Kalle Lasn has always ensured his non-profit publication expresses itself well visually, as well as verbally.
Publisher: Adbusters / 162 - wobbly issue
Author: Adbusters
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Magazines, Politics.