Sermonizer - Solve
I recently discovered Laboratorio Palestro from Genova, Italy, an independent multidisciplinary platform which operates in different fields as music, photography, zines, books and clothing. For sure it is no coincidence that their name abbreviates to LP as that is an important section there!
I found that Sermonizer is from Bologna and that he has been making music since 1979. Solve is actually an EP, with three tracks of subtle, pensive, multi-layered soundscapes that suggest lo-fi tape loops, soft drones and field recordings. Really beautiful.. too bad the bliss lasts for only 20 minutes. Short but sweet.
On clear vinyl. Intriguing photographs by Francesco Bartoli Avveduti, that make you want to go visit ancient crypts ‘n’ tombs..
1. Optical Ectoplasm 06:52
2. Ambrosia               02:40
3. Solve            10:35