Ron Geesin - Roncycle1: The Journey Of A Melody
2011 release from the artist best known for his work alongside Pink Floyd in the early to mid ’70s. RonCycle1: The Journey Of A Melody, represents one of his most ambitious projects to date. It is an integral suite composed of 16 pieces – some of them a mere minute short. Geesin has himself, in fact, referred to his latest creation as a monster from the deep. Elements and influences from his entire career are passing by the audiences ears, ranging from puristic folk and proto-funk to orchestral meditations and the complex metrics of progressive rock. Thanks to a clearly defined narrative, which Geesin readily expounds upon in the liner notes, the result has nonetheless turned out entirely coherent. Included is a bonus CD copy.
Label: Tonefloat / tf106
Artist: Ron Geesin
Medium: LP + CD
Category: Records & Tapes.
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