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Various Artists - Open 2011 /No.22

English edition. Transparency – publicity and secrecy in the age of Wikileaks. Taking Wikileaks as an illustrative example, this issue investigates how transparency and secrecy relate to one another, to the public and to publicity in our computerized visual cultures. It examines transparency as an ideology, the ideal of the free flow of information versus the fight over access to information and the intrinsic connection between publicity and secrecy. Does transparency only work in a liberating way? Does it not equally hold true that it has a concealing or controlling effect? Aren’t certain forms of transparency actually the manifestation of the banality of the contemporary spectacle, which revolves around pure display and the production of affects? What role do the media play in this? These questions are looked into by Felix Stalder, Stefan Nowotny, Boris Groys, Jodi Dean, Geert Lovink, Merijn Oudenampsen, Jorinde Seidel, Roel Griffioen, Sven Lutticken, a.o.

Publisher: NAi010 Publishers / ISBN 978-90-5662-839-0
Medium: Book


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