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Various Authors - Facing Value – Radical Perspectives From The Arts

Value as a non-economic notion is one of the hardest concepts to tackle. Being immaterial, value is one of those core concepts that shape society, influencing hearts and minds, but defies an easy definition. This book presents nine alternatives to regain personal power, find inspiration, shape a better environment, share energy and creativity, and build on a vital and just society. With an anthology of texts by a variety of contributors, the authors propose to place values such as hesitation, care, and giving at centre stage, in order to reclaim value from the logic of capital. The source texts were written by:  Julieta Aranda & Anton Vidokle, Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi, Marina van den Bergen & Piet Vollaard, Richard Buckminster Fuller, Roger Caillois, Michel de Certeau, Céline Condorelli, Barry Farrell, Michel Foucault, Klaske Havik & Hans Teerds, Anthony Huberman, Charles Jencks & Nathan Silver, Tony Judt, Siegfried Kracauer, Bojana Kunst, Mierle Laderman Ukeles, Marcel Mauss, Evgeny Morozov, Victor Papanek, Jan Ritsema, Richard Sennett, Viktor Shklovsky, Beverley Skeggs, Jan Verwoert.

Three artists’ contributions (by Atelier van Lieshout, Navid Nuur and Reto Pulfer) inspire a rethinking of the scope and language of the current value system.

Published in 2017, paperback, 444 pages.

Publisher: Valyz / ISBN: 9789492095008
Medium: Book


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