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Eugene Chadbourne - Dreamory

Guitarist and singer Eugene Chadbourne looked back at his career (The ceaseless stream of records and cassettes, his own Parachute label, his band Shockabilly, his specialism: the oddest version of country and folk music ever, harsh, funny, irritating and packed with ideas) and decided to give us his memoirs. It’s a collection of diaries that date back to his teenage years and run through later tours as well as his dream diaries.
Dreamory is self published, a soft cover perfect bound book with more than 1000 pages. It weighs in at a bit over 3 pounds, so earns the all important status of “thick” as established by legendary guru Pinky Das Gupta. And no big letter font, either! Probably because then it would have been ÜBER-thick!! So get your glasses and dive into his teenage and draft dodging memoirs, his life as an anarchist, as a touring musician, and much more. It is his life, up til now, and he is very proud of it.

Here are some quotes to give you an idea:
“Arguing about Vietnam had become boring. Still I had to do t every a. If everyone I argued with had gone over there and fought, we still would have lost.”

“Some people told me: “You’ve got a good voice!”. I soaked up these compliments, not realizing it would be the last kind thing anyone wold say about my voice until Kerrang! magazine prints “Chadbourne could be the greatest heavy metal artist in history but unfortunately he insists on singing like Bugs Bunny.” I never believed the idea that bad write-ups discouraged musicians and my reaction proves I’m right: once compared to Bugs Bunny, nothing would stop me.”

Publisher: House of Chadula / ISBN: 978-0-692-26989-3
Medium: Book


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