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Yolanda Uriz - Blueprint Series # 1: ~.Submerged.~

The Blueprint Series by iii editions, intends to preserve performative and staged works of sound art in a written format.
iii (Instruments Inventors Initiative in The Hague, NL) have eight Blueprints planned; and this is issue 1, focusing on the project ~.Submerged.~ by Yolanda Uriz.

~.Submerged.~ invites us to widen our sensory limits, using our eyes to see sound.

The audience is submerged in a liquid universe of underwater sound. A combination of projection and 3D glasses create the visual impression of three-dimensional sound waves floating in space above the observer. Vibrations are also seen and heard, through the body of the listener, creating an experience in which the senses of vision, hearing and touch oscillate in unison.

Published in 2023 by iii editions
Editors: Lars Kynde, Cathy van Eck and Maya Verlaak
Illustration: Jeanine Verloop

Also have a look at Blueprint nr. 2, here.


Publisher: iii editons / ISBN: 9789083372204
Author: Yolanda Uriz
Medium: Magazine


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