Beneficial Shock! - Issue 7: Together/Apart
Deep-dive into the ways in which movies have explored notions of together-ness and apart-ness, like why do twins and doppelgängers often scare us..
Publisher: Beneficial Shock! / Seven
Author: Beneficial Shock!
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Cinema, Film History, Films, Graphic Art, Illustration, Magazines.
Price: €12.00

Beneficial Shock! - Issue Five: Secrets & Lies
Always a delight to hold and behold for film freaks. Number 5 explores the shady area of moral ambiguity, shining a light into those dark corners where unscrupu..(read more)
Publisher: Beneficial Shock! / Five
Author: Beneficial Shock!
Medium: Magazine
Categories: Books & Magazines, Films.
Tags: Cinema, Film History, Films, Graphic Art, Illustration, Magazines.
Price: €12.00

Beneficial Shock! - Issue Four: The War and Peace issue
Movies let us experience – from the safety of a cinema seat – conflict and resolution at arms length. But what can we learn from these films? A varied c..(read more)
Publisher: Beneficial Shock! / Four
Author: Beneficial Shock!
Medium: Magazine
Categories: Books & Magazines, Films.
Tags: Cinema, Comics, Films, Graphic Art, Magazines.
Price: €12.00

Beneficial Shock! - Issue Two
Issue Two has as theme: Mind. Peeling back the layers of the human psyche to reveal just what it is that makes us tick. It features work by Ellice Weaver, Georg..(read more)
Publisher: Beneficial Shock! / Two
Author: Beneficial Shock!
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Cinema, Graphic Art, Illustration, Magazines.
Price: €12.00