Dirk Paesmans (JODI) - Blue Cloud – Live Transmission.
Atomic Activity Books No.5. Limited edition of 500. JODI is a collective experimenting with internet, video(games) and computer science. This publication contai..(read more)
Publisher: Thisisamagazine / ISBN: 978-88-903078-5-0
Author: Dirk Paesmans (JODI)
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Artist Book, Computer Science, Internet, Net Art.

Neke Carson - Art Therapy for Conceptual Artists
A reprint of the facile how-to manual for conceptual artists by Neke Carson, originally published in 1972, this paperback version includes all the original phot..(read more)
Publisher: Rollo Press
Author: Neke Carson
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: '70s, Conceptual Art, Manual, USA.

Daniela Swarowsky, Samuli Schielke & Andrea Heister (Ed.) - In Search of Europe
Art and research in collaboration. ISOE, an experiment. Can we talk about Europe without being Eurocentric ? How can we meet on an equal footing in an unequal w..(read more)
Publisher: Jap Sam Books / ISBN: 978-94-90322-43-4
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Culture Theory, European Networks, History, Migration, Sociology.