Benjamin Noys - Malign Velocities – Accelerationism And Capitalism
Against the need for speed, Malign Velocities tracks acceleration as the symptom of the ongoing crises of capitalism.
Publisher: Zero Books / ISBN: 9781782793007
Author: Benjamin Noys
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Accelerationism, Economy, Politics.

William Cobbing and Rosie Cooper - Boooook – The Life And Work of Bob Cobbing
This is the first comprehensive overview of the life and work of the pioneering British concrete and sound poet Bob Cobbing (1920–2002). It addresses all aspe..(read more)
Publisher: Occasional Papers / ISBN 978-0-9929039-5-4
Author: William Cobbing and Rosie Cooper
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Concrete Poetry, Sound Poetry.

Sarah Keller - Maya Deren – Incomplete Control
Critical retrospective of Maya Deren’s (1917–1961) career and the productive tensions she initiated that continue to energize film. Deren was a Russian-..(read more)
Publisher: Columbia University Press / ISBN: 9780231162210
Author: Sarah Keller
Medium: Book
Categories: Books & Magazines, Films.
Tags: Artist Film, Criticism, Experimental, Pioneers, USA.

Various Artists - Hark Too!
WORM’s first vinyl release is a remake of Wim T. Schippers’ LP ‘Hark!’ from 1980. Eleven contemporary Dutch artists were invited to each..(read more)
Label: WORM.records / WORMREC4275
Artist: Various Artists
Medium: LP
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: '80s, Eccentrics, Pop, Rotterdam, Vinyl.

Clara Iannotta - A Failed Entertainment
Italian composer Clara Iannotta’s compositions are marked by a particular intrinsic ‘theatricality’, in the sense of the physicality of sound,..(read more)
Label: Ed.RZ / EDITION RZ 3005
Artist: Clara Iannotta
Medium: CD
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Composers, Contemporary, Percussion, Strings.

Vom Grill - Opgenomen Verantwoordelijkheden
“This album is the result of 10 years of preserved sounds, vocal blubber, field recordings and printed leftovers. These elements are collaged together int..(read more)
Label: Ultra Eczema / UE186
Artist: Vom Grill
Medium: LP
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Sonic Experiments, Vinyl, Vocal Art.

The Wire - # 386 (April 2016)
Every new WIRE is a feast, but specially this time with the, by now almost god-like, Cecil Taylor up front. Also featuring hiphop auteur J Dilla, exotica vetera..(read more)
Publisher: The Wire / 386
Author: The Wire
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tag: Magazines.

Tristan Perich - 1-Bit Symphony
OUT OF STOCK, sorry!
1 bit as the most elementary unit for digital
representation (on or off) triggered the imagination of composer and sound artist Perich. He ..(read more)
Label: Cantaloupe
Artist: Tristan Perich
Medium: Gadget
Category: Instruments & Gadgets.
Tags: Electronic, Electronic Music, Gadgets, Gifts, Instrument Builders.

Tacet - #04 – Sounds of Utopia
Tacet (subtitled Sound in the Arts) is a bilingual and annual publication documenting and researching sound arts and experimental music. A critical compendium (..(read more)
Publisher: Les presses du réel / ISBN : 978-2-84066-777-3
Author: Tacet
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Magazines, Music Theory, Science Fiction, Sonology, Sound Art.