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Trophies - A Family Of Three (Band Photo)

“We will meet here on sept. 26th, build a small white podium, big enough to carry three people. Bring it around the city and place it here and there asking random people to pose as a trio.” Alessandro Bosetti and Michela di Savino shot portrait photographs of random trios – common people and colourful backgrounds, three individuals who do or do not know each other, families, bands, co-workers, fellow travellers?
Their pictures explore and explode the tripartite identity of the trio by operation of more (or less) chance, aiming to explode the ‘family of three’ (the band) into a larger community.

On the record: 6 tracks by Bosetti’s remarkable trio Trophies, which was aptly described by Diedrich Diederichsen in Spex Magazine July 2017:
” … in Trophies, Alessandro Bosetti is more of a “voice actor” than a singer, but above all he is the director of a contemporary Post-Artrock program, in which very precise laws give life to long lasting soundworlds to support and give shape to his poetry. His band Trophies continues on the line of the previous album You Wait To Publish, which we praised four years ago, with guitarist Kenta Nagai and the multi-purpose wonder drummer Tony Buck, which transforms these very special yet fragile compositions into bubbling, pulsating, sometimes sea-quiet sound abstracts, sometimes resembling to squarepusher/thundercat-like elegant nervousness but never completely tied to a specific style or appeased into a genre.”
Alessandro Bosetti brings together sounds, images and texts that have emerged over time in his imagination, in his life experience and through live concerts. Tangents, ideas and themes revolve around cautiousness, desire, Italy, ways of doing, uncertainty and longing. Without definite focus on one subject, these all feel like universal aspects of humanity falling into the vortex that is the whole of this Gesamtkunstwerk.


Label: Unsounds / 58ULP
Artist: Trophies
Medium: LP
Category: .


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