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Lino Hellings - The Making of PAPA

Who or what is Papa ? PAPA (Participating Artists Press Agency) is an internationally curated network of artist-correspondents. PAPA participating artists press agency will manufacture news by taking action. This platform is the brain child of Lino Hellings, developed during a residency at Photo Press Agency Drik in Dhaka (Bangladesh), and operates as a continuous collaboration in PAPA-Labs in Lagos (Nigeria), Sao Paulo (Brazil), Rotterdam (the Netherlands) and Bishkek (Kyrgystan). Projects can be self-initiated or commisioned by third parties. PAPA is an instrument for worldmapping – gently fixing even the most stubborn pieces into a meaningful pattern. In The Making of Papa the work of photographers feature most prominently, documenting what happens in the streets of the cities previously mentioned. After all, news is what someone somewhere decides it is. What does Papa think of this ? Lets start making an image of the world together. In other words: Art+Journalism+Advertisement=Juicy activism.

Publisher: Post Editions / ISBN: 978-94-6083-066-2
Medium: Book


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