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Christophe Bailleau - Prescription

Christophe Bailleau is a multidisciplinary artist living in Belgium.
Music – his compositions are built on acoustic sources (guitar, percussion and vocal sounds) that are treated and mixed with every day sounds. He has developed an approach based on waiting, silence and stormy tension.
Film – Christophe has also directed short films that are intriguing and poetic – recordings of the moments lost before or after action. His musical performances are often accompanied by his non-narrative films, in which the feeling of solitude and a sense of the absurd are omnipresent.
His videos are like unidentified incursions into our days and nights; they attract us in their care for unique detail, in their thick darkness as in their vibrating lights. Here, silent characters, both close and distant, wander through the houses and landscapes of a semi-wild countryside.

These 8 short films, titled ‘8 Recovering Films’ were made in collaboration with Julie Maréchal.
La Pause / Inconsolable / La Renverse / Sérotones / Pilule / La Perte / Cosmétique / Le Va-et-vient
Extras: Nos Restes A Film by Julie Maréchal and Derrière La Porte, a slide show made with Julie Maréchal.
Edition from 2008, DVD-5 PAL Region-free, 65’ + extras

Label: 68 Septante Editions / EL#06
Medium: DVD
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