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Michel Banabila + Radboud Mens + Marco Douma - Live @ Le Guess Who and Steim Summer Party

Two live sessions, one by Banabila & Mens at Le Guess Who/Modulation in Utrecht 2015, one by these two with live video artist Marco Douma at a Steim event in Bimhuis, Amsterdam in the same year. Some images from Douma’s work are on the cover.

“In these two lengthy pieces they slowly construct a fine ambient house sound. You can hear the long building up of pieces, via a path of dark ambient sounds and little by little bits of the rhythm, are unveiled until you realize at a certain point it’s all swinging back and forward; a full-formed ambient house track in progress. Mens brings his glitches to the table, but he expands them into a formal house beat, and the melodic touches might be Banabila’s. Voices from deep space are used, just as the forefathers did of this music ages ago (well, all right, twenty-five years ago). There are lengthy passages between the beat pieces, the chill-out phases of the compositions and here both men show their talents as gifted improvisers. This is some sixty minutes of a pleasant trip down memory lane or just an early summer party. Hell, or both! Do you see what I mean? “(Frans de Waard for Vital)

1. Banabila & Mens – Le Guess Who – Modulation 25:16
2. Banabila, Douma, Mens – Bimhuis – Steim Summer Party 37:39

Label: Tapu Records / 101215TR
Medium: CD
Category: .


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