Donatello & Fosco Dubini / Barbara Obermaier - Hedy Lamarr – Secrets Of A Hollywood Star
MGM-tycoon Louis B. Mayer called Hedy Lamarr “the most beautiful girl of the century.” A psychological portrait of glamour star Hedy Lamarr who became scandalously famous in 1933 as the first nude on the screen with her appearance in the Austrian/Czech film Ecstasy. She then had an extraordinary career in more than 25 Hollywood films. But.. she also invented a torpedo guided system which was patented in 1942 and serves today as the basis for mobile phones.
The documentary (2006, 85 mins) contains interviews with Mickey Rooney, Lupita Kohner, Kenneth Anger and many other personal friends of Hedy. Also featured is the trailer “Jean Seberg – American Actress (5 mins), the trailer “Thomas Pynchon – A Journey Into The Mind (3 mins) – several documents and photos in ROM-format. Finally, the 2-disc DVD offers Hedy Lamarr’s legendary scandal film Ekstase (1933, 79 mins) in an uncut version.
Languages English and German, subtitles English and German.

Santiago Alvarez - He Who Hits First, Hits Twice: The Urgent Cinema of Santiago Alvarez
This special 2-disk release features eight short by Cuban filmmaker, Santiago Alvarez. This includes the film Hasta La Victoria Siempre, about the life and deat..(read more)
Label: Extreme Low Frequency / 001
Artist: Santiago Alvarez
Medium: 2DVD
Category: Films.
Tags: Activism, Documentary, Improvisation, Politics, World Cinema.

Sam Green - The Rainbow Man / John 3:16
Millions of Americans have seen Rollen Frederick Stewart, a.k.a. “Rainbow Man”, who achieved notoriety during the late 70’s by appearing in th..(read more)
Label: Other Cinema / ISBN 0-9744847-6-8
Artist: Sam Green
Medium: DVD
Category: Films.
Tag: Documentary.

The Baffler - # 34 (March 2017)
The US are in bad weather because Americans naively trusted the so-called experts. Issue 34: “The Snare of Preparation.”
Publisher: The Baffler / ISSN: 1059-9789
Author: The Baffler
Medium: Magazine
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Activism, Magazines, Politics, USA.