Stella van Voorst van Beest - Gevangenen van de Grond
Documentary (2009) about surviving the unbearably long, dark winters in Finland. An invitation to (the) dance, an odyssey through tango salons and dancehalls in Finland, where the people find their joy in celebrating this aspect of Argentinian culture and a melancholic portrait of the Finnish tangistas burning with dreams and desires. The title (prisoners of the ground) is from the lyrics of composer Unto Mononen, from a song heard in this film “but a bird without wings is a prisoner of the ground” (“…maar een vogel zonder vleugels is een gevangene van de grond…”). Finnish spoken. Subtitles in English and Dutch.
Label: Amstelfilm / 9789058497697
Artist: Stella van Voorst van Beest
Medium: DVD
Category: Films.
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