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Cantos Deus - Interweaving

You might call this record ‘the first reli-no wave’ record ever… Cantos Deus is a cooperation between theologist/performer Jacco Weener and Rotterdam underground musicians Bruno Ferro Xavier Da Silva and Lukas Simonis. Intrigued by the language and music of christian sects in the USA that seem to be winning grounds in Europe as well, Cantos Deus here offers their answer using a different form of aesthetics…

“Their skill, particularly Da Silva’s ridiculously fluid bass runs and Simonis’s clever pop flourishes, give Weener’s ecstatic visions a solid platform to perform on […] And perform he does, from the wobbling declamations on Get Yourself Ready to the pop dirge of Put Your Fingers On My Body a prospect which, given Weener’s impassioned address, is not as appealing as it first sounds. The funny He Didn’t Have To Do It could be a Sunday School take on PiL’s Fodderstompf. Weener enjoys himself a lot on Follow, which is a great slice of queasy funk with a vocal line that reminds this fried reviewer of Reginald Bosanquet’s Dance With Me whereas Interweaving With The Spirits could be an Al Bowlly vocal played on 17rpm. […] There are things that remind me of early Pere Ubu (not just the shrieks, gargles and groans in Weener’s vocals) but some of the way things are set up; namely brutal contrasts, the favouring of minor chords and abrupt silences. It’s got something of The Residents, too, especially the Mole Trilogy. Hellfire is a singalong of sorts that could be from an Armand Schaubroek record…”
(Richard Foster on Louder Than War)

In case you find a 14-track album a bit too much, the vinyl EP “I’m Your Child” with 3 catchy songs could be a way to get started.




Label: Z6 Records / 000658
Artist: Cantos Deus
Medium: CD
Category: .


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